Browse Project Euclid
Browse Project Euclid's growing database of titles, publishers, and subject categories.

Advances in Applied Probability
Advances in Applied Probability contains reviews and expository papers in applied probability, as well as mathematical and scientific papers of interest to probabilists, letters to the editor and a section devoted to stochastic geometry and statistical applications.

African Journal of Applied Statistics
The African Journal of Applied Statistics (AJAS) publishes original articles on applied sciences, preferably using African data and supporting African development.

Afrika Statistika
The journal Afrika Statistika publishes applied and theoretical work on research about probability, statistics, operational research, econometrics and related topics.

Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques
The Probability and Statistics section of the Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré is an international journal which publishes high quality research papers. The journal deals with all aspects of modern probability theory and mathematical statistics, as well as with their applications.

The Annals of Applied Probability
An official Journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics.

The Annals of Applied Statistics
An official Journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics.

The Annals of Mathematical Statistics
An official Journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics.

The Annals of Probability
An official Journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics.

The Annals of Statistics
An official Journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics.

Bayesian Analysis
Bayesian Analysis seeks to publish a wide range of articles that demonstrate or discuss Bayesian methods in some theoretical or applied context.

Bernoulli provides a comprehensive account of important developments in the fields of statistics and probability, offering an international forum for both theoretical and applied work.

Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics
Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics publishes papers in applied probability, applied statistics, computational statistics, mathematical statistics, probability theory and stochastic processes.

Electronic Communications in Probability
The Electronic Communications in Probability (ECP) publishes short research articles in probability theory.

Electronic Journal of Probability
The Electronic Journal of Probability (EJP) publishes full-length research articles in probability theory.

Electronic Journal of Statistics
The Electronic Journal of Statistics (EJS) publishes research articles and short notes in theoretical, computational and applied statistics.

Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections
The Institute of Mathematical Statistics COLLECTIONS includes multi-author volumes of a variety of types, including festschrifts, proceedings, collected works and memorials.

Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes - Monograph Series
The Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes - Monograph Series was first published in 1981. The series consists of over 55 volumes covering a broad range of topics in probability and statistics.

International Statistical Review
The International Statistical Review provides a comprehensive view of work in statistics, over the whole spectrum of the statistical profession, including the most relevant aspects of probability.

Journal of Applied Probability
Journal of Applied Probability provides a forum for original research and reviews in applied probability. Its wide audience includes leading researchers in the many fields where stochastic models are used, including operations research, telecommunications, computer engineering, epidemiology, financial mathematics, information systems and traffic management.

NSF-CBMS Regional Conference Series in Probability and Statistics
This series is co-published by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and the American Statistical Association. It is sponsored by the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences and supported by the National Science Foundation. Production of the series is managed by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics.

Probability Surveys
Probability Surveys publishes survey articles in theoretical and applied probability.

SPAS Book Series
SPAS EDITIONS is a collection of monographs and edited books published by the Statistics and Probability African Society (SPAS). Expected sub-series include: SPAS Textbooks, SPAS Research Monographs, and SPAS Books.

Statistical Science
A review journal of The Institute of Mathematical Statistics.

Statistics Surveys
Statistics Surveys publishes survey articles in theoretical, computational, and applied statistics.

Stochastic Systems
Stochastic Systems seeks to publish high-quality papers that substantively contribute to the modeling, analysis and control of stochastic systems.