VOL. 18 | 2024
Patrick Graham, Lucianne Varn, Matthew Hendtlass, Rebecca Green, Andrew Richens
Statist. Surv. 18, 1-81, (2024) DOI: 10.1214/23-SS146 Open Access
KEYWORDS: population estimation, Bayesian inference, small domain estimation, 62F15, 62-02
Ross Maller, Sidney Resnick, Soudabeh Shemehsavar, Muzhi Zhao
Statist. Surv. 18, 82-138, (2024) DOI: 10.1214/24-SS147 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Censored survival data, cure model, immune or cured individuals, long term survivors, Kaplan-Meier estimator, sufficient followup, probability of being cured, extreme value methods, 62N01, 62N02, 62N03, 62E10, 62E15, 62E20, G2G05, 62F03, 62F05, 62F12, 62G32
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