Advances in Modern Statistical Theory and Applications: A Festschrift in honor of Morris L. Eaton

Editor(s) Galin Jones, Xiaotong Shen

Inst. Math. Stat. (IMS) Collect., 10: 157pp. (2013). DOI: 10.1214/12-IMSCOLL10
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Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 10, i-ii (2013). Open Access
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 10, iii-iii (2013). Open Access
Galin Jones , Xiaotong Shen
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 10, iv-iv (2013). Open Access
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 10, v-v (2013). Open Access
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 10, vi-vi (2013). Open Access
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 10, vii-xiv (2013). Open Access
Charles J. Geyer
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 10, 1-24 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: locally asymptotically normal, maximum likelihood, Newton’s method, no- asymptotics, parametric bootstrap, quadraticity, 62F12, 60F05, 62F40
Aixin Tan , Galin L. Jones , James P. Hobert
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 10, 25-42 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: geometric ergodicity, Gibbs sampler, Markov chain, Monte Carlo, 60J10, 62F15
Ronald C. Neath
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 10, 43-62 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: convergence, EM algorithm, maximum likelihood, mixed model, Monte Carlo, 62-02
Eugenio Regazzini
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 10, 63-82 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: finitely additive probabilities, processes with independent and stationary increments, subjective probabilities, 60-03, 60A05
Yindeng Jiang , Michael D. Perlman
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 10, 83-101 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: bivariate distribution, extreme order statistics, multivariate distribution, reverse exchangeability, symmetry
Persi Diaconis , Susan Holmes , Mehrdad Shahshahani
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 10, 102-125 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: manifold, conditional distribution, geometric measure theory, sampling, 60K35, 60K35, 60K35
Robb J. Muirhead , Adina I. Şoaita
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 10, 126-137 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: Bayesian design and analysis, clinical trials, probability of a successful trial, sample size determination, 62F15, 62K99, 62P10
Takeaki Kariya
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 10, 138-157 (2013). Open Access
KEYWORDS: business portfolio, corporate bond model, credit default swap, credit risk management, government bond model, recovery rate, term structure of default probabilities, 91G40, 91G70
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