Open Access
July 2017 On the groups of isometries of simple para-Hermitian symmetric spaces
Takuya Shimokawa, Kyoji Sugimoto
Tsukuba J. Math. 41(1): 21-40 (July 2017). DOI: 10.21099/tkbjm/1506353558


The main purpose in this paper is to completely determine the groups of isometries of simple para-Hermitian symmetric spaces. That enables us to also determine the groups of affine transformations of these spaces, with respect to the canonical affine connections.


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Takuya Shimokawa. Kyoji Sugimoto. "On the groups of isometries of simple para-Hermitian symmetric spaces." Tsukuba J. Math. 41 (1) 21 - 40, July 2017.


Received: 4 April 2015; Revised: 14 February 2017; Published: July 2017
First available in Project Euclid: 25 September 2017

zbMATH: 1385.53042
MathSciNet: MR3705773
Digital Object Identifier: 10.21099/tkbjm/1506353558

Primary: 53C35
Secondary: 17B20

Keywords: absolutely simple Lie algebra , group of isometries , hyperbolic orbit type , para-Hermitian symmetric space , real form

Rights: Copyright © 2017 University of Tsukuba, Institute of Mathematics

Vol.41 • No. 1 • July 2017
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