Open Access
June, 1960 Balanced Factorial Experiments
B. V. Shah
Ann. Math. Statist. 31(2): 502-514 (June, 1960). DOI: 10.1214/aoms/1177705917


Usually, in a factorial experiment, the block size of the experiments is not large enough to permit all possible treatment combinations to be included in a block. Hence we resort to the theory of confounding. With respect to symmetric factorial designs, the theory of confounding has been highly developed by Bose [1], Bose and Kishen [2] and Fisher [4], [5]. An excellent summary of the results of this research appears in Kempthorne [6]. Some examples of asymmetric factorial designs can be found in Yates [14], Cochran and Cox [3], Li [8], Kempthorne [6] and Nair and Rao [9], [10]. Nair and Rao [11] have given the statistical analysis of a class of asymmetrical two-factor designs in considerable detail. The author [13] has considered the problem of achieving "complete balance" over various interactions in factorial experiments. In the present paper a class of factorial experiments, balanced factorial experiments (BFE) (Definition 4.2) is considered. The theorems proved in Section 4 outline a detailed analysis of BFE's, including estimates of various interactions at different levels. Finally, a method of constructing BFE's is given in Section 6. It should be noted that Theorems 5.2 to 5.5 are generalisations of the corresponding theorems by Zelen [15], and the method of construction in Section 6 is a general form of the one indicated by Yates [14], Nair and Rao [9], [10] and Kempthorne [6] (Section 18.7).


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B. V. Shah. "Balanced Factorial Experiments." Ann. Math. Statist. 31 (2) 502 - 514, June, 1960.


Published: June, 1960
First available in Project Euclid: 27 April 2007

zbMATH: 0107.35903
MathSciNet: MR119334
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/aoms/1177705917

Rights: Copyright © 1960 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.31 • No. 2 • June, 1960
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