February 2022 Stochastic heat equation with general rough noise
Yaozhong Hu, Xiong Wang
Author Affiliations +
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist. 58(1): 379-423 (February 2022). DOI: 10.1214/21-AIHP1161


We study the well-posedness of a nonlinear one dimensional stochastic heat equation driven by Gaussian noise: ut=2ux2+σ(u)W˙, where W˙ is white in time and fractional in space with Hurst parameter H(14,12). In a recent paper (Ann. Probab. 45 (2017) 4561–616) by Hu, Huang, Lê, Nualart and Tindel a technical and unusual condition of σ(0)=0 was assumed which is critical in their approach. The main effort of this paper is to remove this condition. The idea is to work on a weighted space Zλ,Tp for some power decay weight λ(x)=cH(1+|x|2)H1. In addition, when σ(u)=1 we obtain the exact asympotics of the solution uadd(t,x) as t and x go to infinity. In particular, we find the exact growth of sup|x|L|uadd(t,x)| and the sharp growth rate for the Hölder coefficients, namely, sup|x|L|uadd(t,x+h)uadd(t,x)||h|β and sup|x|L|uadd(t+τ,x)uadd(t,x)|τα.

Nous étudions une équation de chaleur stochastique ā une dimension spatiale non linéaire dirigée par le bruit gaussien : ut=2ux2+σ(u)W˙, où W˙ est blanc dans le temps et fractionnaire dans le espace avec le paramètre Hurst H(14,12). Dans un article récent (Ann. Probab. 45 (2017) 4561–616) par Hu, Huang, Lê, Nualart et Tindel une condition technique et inhabituelle σ(0)=0 a été supposée, ce qui est critique dans leur approche. Le principal effort de ce document est de supprimer cette condition. L’idée est de travailler sur un espace pondéré Zλ,Tp pour un certain poids de décroissance polynomiale λ(x)=cH(1+|x|2)H1. Lorsque σ(u)=1 nous obtenons les asympotiques exactes de la solution uadd(t,x) quand t et x tendent vers l’infini. En particulier, nous trouvons la croissance exacte de sup|x|L|uadd(t,x)| et la croissance exacte des coefficients de Hölder, c’est-à-dire, sup|x|L|uadd(t,x+h)uadd(t,x)||h|β et sup|x|L|uadd(t+τ,x)uadd(t,x)|τα.


We are grateful to the anonymous referees for very careful reading and valuable suggestions which significantly improve the paper.


Download Citation

Yaozhong Hu. Xiong Wang. "Stochastic heat equation with general rough noise." Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist. 58 (1) 379 - 423, February 2022. https://doi.org/10.1214/21-AIHP1161


Received: 14 April 2020; Revised: 4 January 2021; Accepted: 12 February 2021; Published: February 2022
First available in Project Euclid: 2 February 2022

MathSciNet: MR4374680
zbMATH: 1483.60094
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/21-AIHP1161

Primary: 60H15
Secondary: 35K08 , 60G15 , 60G22 , 60H05 , 60H07

Keywords: (Nonlinear) stochastic heat equation , Additive Noise , Hölder constants over unbounded domain , majorizing measure , Pathwise uniqueness , Rough Gaussian noise , Strong solution , Temporal and spatial asymptotic growth , Weak solution , Weighted heat kernel estimates , weighted spaces

Rights: Copyright © 2022 Association des Publications de l’Institut Henri Poincaré


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Vol.58 • No. 1 • February 2022
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