December 2019 Statistical tests for the Pseudo-Lindley distribution and applications
Gane Samb LO, Tchilabalo Abozou KPANZOU, Mohamed Cheikh HAIDARA
Afr. Stat. 14(4): 2127-2139 (December 2019). DOI: 10.16929/as/2019.2127.151


The pseudo-Lindley distribution was introduced as a useful generalization of the Lindley distribution in Zeghdoudi and Nedjar (2016) who showed interesting properties of their new law, in particular its efficiency in modeling data in Reliability and Survival Analysis. In this paper we study the estimators of the pair of parameters and determine their asymptotic law from which a chi-square law is derived. From both asymptotic laws, statistical tests are built. Simulation studies on the tests conclude to their efficiency for data sizes generally used in Reliability. Related VB6 codes related to statistical analysis on that law are given in Lo (2019, doi : 10.16929/book-spas-eds/2019.002, SPAS-EDS).

La distribution pseudo-Lindley a été introduite comme une généralisation utile de la distribution Lindley dans Zeghdoudi et Nedjar (2016) qui a montré sa pertinence en Analyse de fiabilité et l'étude de survie. Dans cet article, nous étudions les estimateurs des moments de la paire de paramètres et établissons leurs lois asymptotiques à partir desquelles des tests statistiques sont construits. Une études de simulation est faite. Les programmes informatiques en VB6 relatifs aux simulations sont aussi disponibles dans (2019, doi : 10.16929/book-spas-eds/2019.002, SPAS-EDS).


Download Citation

Gane Samb LO. Tchilabalo Abozou KPANZOU. Mohamed Cheikh HAIDARA. "Statistical tests for the Pseudo-Lindley distribution and applications." Afr. Stat. 14 (4) 2127 - 2139, December 2019.


Published: December 2019
First available in Project Euclid: 7 February 2020

zbMATH: 07168115
MathSciNet: MR4061551
Digital Object Identifier: 10.16929/as/2019.2127.151

Primary: 62G20
Secondary: 62H10 , 62H15

Keywords: bivariate normal asymptotic law , Lindley distribution , moment estimators , Pseudo-Lindley distribution , simulations , statistical tests

Rights: Copyright © 2019 The Statistics and Probability African Society

Vol.14 • No. 4 • December 2019
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