These are notes for four lectures given at the Osaka summer school on Schubert calculus in 2012, presenting the geometry from the unpublished arXiv:1008.4302 giving an extension of the puzzle rule for Schubert calculus to equivariant $K$-theory, while eliding some of the combinatorial detail. In particular, §3 includes background material on equivariant cohomology and $K$-theory.
Since that school, I have extended the results to arbitrary interval positroid varieties (not just those arising in Vakil's geometric Littlewood-Richardson rule), in the preprint [Kn2].
Published: 1 January 2016
First available in Project Euclid: 4 October 2018
zbMATH: 1378.14055
MathSciNet: MR3644824
Digital Object Identifier: 10.2969/aspm/07110185
Rights: Copyright © 2016 Mathematical Society of Japan