Let $S=\bigoplus_{n_1,\ldots, n_s \geq 0}S_{(n_1,\ldots, n_s)}$ be a finitely generated standard multi-graded algebra over a Noetherian local ring $A$. This paper investigates the positivity of mixed multiplicities of $S$ and characterizes them in terms of Hilbert-Samuel multiplicities. As an application, we get some results on the mixed multiplicities of ideals that covers the main results in [Vi] and [TV].
Truong Thi Hong THANH. Duong Quoc VIET. "On (FC)-sequences and Mixed Multiplicities of Multi-graded Algebras." Tokyo J. Math. 34 (1) 185 - 202, June 2011. https://doi.org/10.3836/tjm/1313074450