Open Access
2016 An Approach to the Log-Euclidean Mean via the Karcher Mean on Symmetric Cones
Sejong Kim, Un Cig Ji, Sangho Kum
Taiwanese J. Math. 20(1): 191-203 (2016). DOI: 10.11650/tjm.20.2016.5559


In a general symmetric cone, we show that certain sequence of the Karcher means converges to the Log-Euclidean mean by using the fact that the Karcher mean is the limit of inductive means. One can see this as a generalization of the Lie-Trotter formula of positive definite matrices into a symmetric cone setting via the least squares mean.


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Sejong Kim. Un Cig Ji. Sangho Kum. "An Approach to the Log-Euclidean Mean via the Karcher Mean on Symmetric Cones." Taiwanese J. Math. 20 (1) 191 - 203, 2016.


Published: 2016
First available in Project Euclid: 1 July 2017

zbMATH: 1357.47020
MathSciNet: MR3462874
Digital Object Identifier: 10.11650/tjm.20.2016.5559

Primary: 15B48 , 17C50 , 47A64 , 53C20

Keywords: Hadamard space , least squares mean , Lie-Trotter formula , symmetric cone

Rights: Copyright © 2016 The Mathematical Society of the Republic of China

Vol.20 • No. 1 • 2016
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