Open Access
January 2008 On the topology of the complements of quartic and line configurations
Kenta Yoshizaki
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SUT J. Math. 44(1): 125-152 (January 2008). DOI: 10.55937/sut/1217621852


For a reduced plane curve C and a line L in 2, we put L2:=2L, and CL:=C(CL). If C and L intersect transversaly and π1(2C,b0) is abelian, it is known that π1(L2CL) is also abelian. In this article, we study π1(L2CL) and the Alexander polynomial for the case when a quartic curve C and a line L do not intersect transversaly.


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Kenta Yoshizaki. "On the topology of the complements of quartic and line configurations." SUT J. Math. 44 (1) 125 - 152, January 2008.


Received: 7 February 2008; Published: January 2008
First available in Project Euclid: 18 June 2022

Digital Object Identifier: 10.55937/sut/1217621852

Primary: 14H20 , 14H30

Keywords: Alexander polynomial , fundamental group

Rights: Copyright © 2008 Tokyo University of Science

Vol.44 • No. 1 • January 2008
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