Open Access
2015 Degree 12 2-adic fields with automorphism group of order 4
Chad Awtrey, Brett Barkley, Nicole E. Miles, Erin Strosnider, Erin Strosnider
Rocky Mountain J. Math. 45(6): 1755-1764 (2015). DOI: 10.1216/RMJ-2015-45-6-1755


This paper is concerned with the 513 isomorphism classes of degree~12 2-adic fields whose automorphism groups have order~4. For each extension, we identify a defining polynomial, the extension's ramification index, residue degree, discriminant, and the Galois group of the extension's normal closure. These results extend previous work of Jones and Roberts, Awtrey and Shill.


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Chad Awtrey. Brett Barkley. Nicole E. Miles. Erin Strosnider. Erin Strosnider. "Degree 12 2-adic fields with automorphism group of order 4." Rocky Mountain J. Math. 45 (6) 1755 - 1764, 2015.


Published: 2015
First available in Project Euclid: 14 March 2016

zbMATH: 1348.11090
MathSciNet: MR3473152
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1216/RMJ-2015-45-6-1755

Primary: 11S15 , 11S20

Keywords: 2-adic , extension fields , Galois group , Local Field

Rights: Copyright © 2015 Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium

Vol.45 • No. 6 • 2015
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