Open Access
2002/2003 Multifractal variation measures and multifractal density theorems.
J. Cole, L. Olsen
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Real Anal. Exchange 28(2): 501-514 (2002/2003).


In this paper we show that the multifractal Hausdorff measure and multifractal packing measure introduced by Olsen and Peyriere can be expressed as Henstock-Thomson \lq\lq variation" measures. As an application we prove a density theorem for these two measures that extends results by Edgar and is more refined than those found in [Ol1].


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J. Cole. L. Olsen. "Multifractal variation measures and multifractal density theorems.." Real Anal. Exchange 28 (2) 501 - 514, 2002/2003.


Published: 2002/2003
First available in Project Euclid: 20 July 2007

zbMATH: 1051.28004
MathSciNet: MR2010333

Primary: 28A80

Keywords: densities , Fractals , Hausdorff measure , Henstock-Thomson ``variation" measures , Multifractals , Packing measure

Rights: Copyright © 2002 Michigan State University Press

Vol.28 • No. 2 • 2002/2003
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