One main purpose of the present paper is to reorganize, in terms of the notion of a \textit{Schwarz system}, a proof, by means of \textit{Schwarzian derivatives}, of the existence of complex projective structures on compact hyperbolic Riemann surfaces and a proof, by means of \textit{Sugiyama-Yasuda locally exact differentials}, of the existence of Frobenius-projective structures of level two on projective smooth curves in characteristic two. Moreover, we also construct quasi-Schwarz systems for certain Frobenius-affine and Frobenius-projective structures on projective smooth curves in positive characteristic.
This research was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 18K03239 and by the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, an International Joint Usage/Research Center located in Kyoto University.
Yuichiro Hoshi. "A Note on Schwarzian Derivatives and Sugiyama-Yasuda Locally Exact Differentials." Osaka J. Math. 61 (3) 313 - 333, July 2024.