Open Access
January 2024 Dynamical number of base-points of non base-wandering Jonquières twists
Julie Déserti
Author Affiliations +
Osaka J. Math. 61(1): 63-77 (January 2024).


We give some properties of the dynamical number of base-points of birational self-maps of the complex projective plane.

In particular we give a formula to determine the dynamical number of base-points of non base-wandering Jonquières twists.


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Julie Déserti. "Dynamical number of base-points of non base-wandering Jonquières twists." Osaka J. Math. 61 (1) 63 - 77, January 2024.


Received: 31 January 2022; Revised: 7 November 2022; Published: January 2024
First available in Project Euclid: 12 January 2024

Primary: 14E07 , 32H50

Rights: Copyright © 2024 Osaka University and Osaka Metropolitan University, Departments of Mathematics

Vol.61 • No. 1 • January 2024
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