Open Access
October 2023 Optimal hardy-type inequalities for Schrödinger forms
Masayoshi Takeda
Author Affiliations +
Osaka J. Math. 60(4): 761-776 (October 2023).


We give a method to construct a critical Schrödinger form from the subcritical Schrödinger form by subtracting a suitable positive potential. The method enables us to obtain optimal Hardy-type inequalities.


The author would like to thank the referee for a useful comment on Lemma 4.15.


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Masayoshi Takeda. "Optimal hardy-type inequalities for Schrödinger forms." Osaka J. Math. 60 (4) 761 - 776, October 2023.


Received: 14 April 2022; Revised: 31 August 2022; Published: October 2023
First available in Project Euclid: 23 October 2023

Primary: 31C25
Secondary: 26D15 , 31C05

Rights: Copyright © 2023 Osaka University and Osaka Metropolitan University, Departments of Mathematics

Vol.60 • No. 4 • October 2023
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