Open Access
June 2013 Class number parity of a quadratic twist of a cyclotomic field of prime power conductor
Humio Ichimura
Osaka J. Math. 50(2): 563-572 (June 2013).


Let $p$ be a fixed odd prime number and $K_{n}$ the $p^{n+1}$-st cyclotomic field. For a fixed integer $d \in \boldsymbol{Z}$ with $\sqrt{d} \notin K_{0}$, denote by $L_{n}$ the imaginary quadratic subextension of the biquadratic extension $K_{n}(\sqrt{d})/K_{n}^{+}$ with $L_{n} \neq K_{n}$. Let $h_{n}^{*}$ and $h_{n}^{-}$ be the relative class numbers of $K_{n}$ and $L_{n}$, respectively. We give an explicit constant $n_{d}$ depending on $p$ and $d$ such that (i) for any integer $n \geq n_{d}$, the ratio $h_{n}^{-}/h_{n-1}^{-}$ is odd if and only if $h_{n}^{*}/h_{n-1}^{*}$ is odd and (ii) for $1 \leq n < n_{d}$, $h_{n}^{-}/h_{n-1}^{-}$ is even.


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Humio Ichimura. "Class number parity of a quadratic twist of a cyclotomic field of prime power conductor." Osaka J. Math. 50 (2) 563 - 572, June 2013.


Published: June 2013
First available in Project Euclid: 21 June 2013

zbMATH: 1325.11110
MathSciNet: MR3080815

Primary: 11R18
Secondary: 11R23

Rights: Copyright © 2013 Osaka University and Osaka City University, Departments of Mathematics

Vol.50 • No. 2 • June 2013
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