Open Access
Winter 1996 Decidability of Fluted Logic with Identity
William C. Purdy
Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 37(1): 84-104 (Winter 1996). DOI: 10.1305/ndjfl/1040067318


Fluted logic is the restriction of pure predicate logic to formulas in which variables play no essential role. Although fluted logic is significantly weaker than pure predicate logic, it is of interest because it seems closely to parallel natural logic, the logic that is conducted in natural language. It has been known since 1969 that if conjunction in fluted formulas is restricted to subformulas of equal arity, satisfiability is decidable. However, the decidability of sublogics lying between this restricted (homogeneous) fluted logic and full predicate logic remained unknown. In 1994 it was shown that the satisfiability of fluted formulas without restriction is decidable, thus reducing the unknown region significantly. This paper further reduces the unknown region. It shows that fluted logic with the logical identity is decidable. Since the reflection functor can be defined in fluted logic with identity, it follows that fluted logic with the reflection functor also lies within the region of decidability. Relevance to natural logic is increased since the identity permits definition of singular predicates, which can represent anaphoric pronouns.


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William C. Purdy. "Decidability of Fluted Logic with Identity." Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 37 (1) 84 - 104, Winter 1996.


Published: Winter 1996
First available in Project Euclid: 16 December 2002

zbMATH: 0858.03013
MathSciNet: MR1379551
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1305/ndjfl/1040067318

Primary: 03B25
Secondary: 03B20

Rights: Copyright © 1996 University of Notre Dame

Vol.37 • No. 1 • Winter 1996
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