Open Access
November 2013 Construction of an Ordinary Dirichlet Series with Convergence Beyond the Bohr Strip
Brian N. Maurizi
Missouri J. Math. Sci. 25(2): 110-133 (November 2013). DOI: 10.35834/mjms/1384266198


An ordinary Dirichlet series has three abscissae of interest, describing the maximal regions where the Dirichlet series converges, converges uniformly, and converges absolutely. The paper of Hille and Bohnenblust in 1931, regarding the region on which a Dirichlet series can converge uniformly but not absolutely, has prompted much investigation into this region, the "Bohr strip." However, a related natural question has apparently gone unanswered: For a Dirichlet series with non-trivial Bohr strip, how far beyond the Bohr strip might the series converge? We investigate this question by explicit construction, creating Dirichlet series which converge beyond their Bohr strip.


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Brian N. Maurizi. "Construction of an Ordinary Dirichlet Series with Convergence Beyond the Bohr Strip." Missouri J. Math. Sci. 25 (2) 110 - 133, November 2013.


Published: November 2013
First available in Project Euclid: 12 November 2013

zbMATH: 1287.30002
MathSciNet: MR3161629
Digital Object Identifier: 10.35834/mjms/1384266198

Primary: 11M41
Secondary: 30B50

Keywords: abscissa , Bohr strip , conditional convergence , Dirichlet series , Hille Bohnenblust

Rights: Copyright © 2013 Central Missouri State University, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Vol.25 • No. 2 • November 2013
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