Open Access
Summer 2014 Contact structures on plumbed 3-manifolds
Çağrı Karakurt
Kyoto J. Math. 54(2): 271-294 (Summer 2014). DOI: 10.1215/21562261-2642395


We show that the Ozsváth–Szabó contact invariant c+(ξ)HF+(Y) of a contact 3-manifold (Y,ξ) can be calculated combinatorially if Y is the boundary of a certain type of plumbing X and if ξ is induced by a Stein structure on X. Our technique uses an algorithm of Ozsváth and Szabó to determine the Heegaard–Floer homology of such 3-manifolds. We discuss two important applications of this technique in contact topology. First, we show that it simplifies the calculation of the Ozsváth–Stipsicz–Szabó obstruction to admitting a planar open book for a certain class of contact structures. We also define a numerical invariant of contact manifolds that respects a partial ordering induced by Stein cobordisms. Using this technique, we do a sample calculation showing that the invariant can get infinitely many distinct values.


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Çağrı Karakurt. "Contact structures on plumbed 3-manifolds." Kyoto J. Math. 54 (2) 271 - 294, Summer 2014.


Published: Summer 2014
First available in Project Euclid: 2 June 2014

zbMATH: 1300.57026
MathSciNet: MR3215568
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1215/21562261-2642395

Primary: 57R17
Secondary: 57R57 , 57R58 , 57R65

Rights: Copyright © 2014 Kyoto University

Vol.54 • No. 2 • Summer 2014
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