With this article, we wish to honor the many contributions of our mentor, colleague and dear friend, Professor W. Edward Olmstead, on the occasion of his retirement from Northwestern University. Ed has spent over five decades at Northwestern University, first as a graduate student and then as a member of the faculty. During this time he completed his PhD, played a key role in the formation of the Department of Engineering Science and Applied Mathematics (ESAM), developed several courses in applied mathematics, participated in the education of numerous students, and made vast and important contributions in the field of applied mathematics. Here, we give a (mostly chronological) account of some of Ed's major research interests and contributions, primarily in the field of Integral Equations.
C.M. Kirk. L.R. Ritter. "On the contributions of W. Edward Olmstead." J. Integral Equations Applications 30 (1) 3 - 15, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1216/JIE-2018-30-1-3