In previous work, Lo and Tatar studied the exponential decay for a laminated beam with viscoelastic damping acting on the effective rotation angle in the case of equal-speed wave propagations. In this paper, we continue consideration of the same problem in the case of non-equal wave speeds. In this case, the main difficulty is how to estimate the non-equal speed term. To overcome this difficulty, the second-order energy method introduced in Guesmia and Messaoudi seems to be the best choice for our problem. For a wide class of relaxation functions, we establish the general decay result for the energy without any kind of internal or boundary control.
Gang Li. Xiangyu Kong. Wenjun Liu. "General decay for a laminated beam with structural damping and memory: The case of non-equal wave speeds." J. Integral Equations Applications 30 (1) 95 - 116, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1216/JIE-2018-30-1-95