Special Issue: Algebra, Combinatorics and Dynamics-Vol 1
VOL. 9 · NO. S1 | 2015
Natalia K. Iyudu
J. Gen. Lie Theory Appl. 9 (S1), 1-2, (2015) DOI: 10.4172/1736-4337.S1-e001 Open Access
No abstract available
Miroslav Korbelar
J. Gen. Lie Theory Appl. 9 (S1), 1-3, (2015) DOI: 10.4172/1736-4337.S1-001 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Nilpotent algebra, Eggert's conjecture, Commutative nilpotent ring, Polynomial bases
M.V. Belolipetsky, P.E. Gunnells
J. Gen. Lie Theory Appl. 9 (S1), 1-4, (2015) DOI: 10.4172/1736-4337.S1-002 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Lusztig cells, Coxeter, hyperplane
Ivan Kaygorodov
J. Gen. Lie Theory Appl. 9 (S1), 1-3, (2015) DOI: 10.4172/1736-4337.S1-003 Open Access
KEYWORDS: δ-derivation, Jordan δ-derivation, associative algebra, Triangular algebras
Nigel Boston
J. Gen. Lie Theory Appl. 9 (S1), 1-4, (2015) DOI: 10.4172/1736-4337.S1-004 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Tail-biting trellis, Binary golay code, Pseudocodewords, Weight enumerators, invariant theory
A. Zuevsky
J. Gen. Lie Theory Appl. 9 (S1), 1-8, (2015) DOI: 10.4172/1736-4337.S1-005 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Half-order differentials, Hardy spaces, Riemann surfaces
Viktor Abramov, Olga Liivapuu
J. Gen. Lie Theory Appl. 9 (S1), 1-11, (2015) DOI: 10.4172/1736-4337.S1-006 Open Access
KEYWORDS: N-differential module, Cohomologies of N-cochain complex, Graded q-differential algebra, Algebra of connection form, N-connection form, Covariant N-differential, N-cochain complex, N-curvature Form, N-connection on module, Curvature of N-connection, N-connection consistent with Hermitian structure of module
A.A. Lopatin
J. Gen. Lie Theory Appl. 9 (S1), 1-3, (2015) DOI: 10.4172/1736-4337.S1-007 Open Access
KEYWORDS: invariant theory, Classical linear groups, polynomial identities, generators
Z. Chebel, A. Makhlouf
J. Gen. Lie Theory Appl. 9 (S1), 1-9, (2015) DOI: 10.4172/1736-4337.S1-008 Open Access
KEYWORDS: weak Hopf algebra, construction, ‎classification‎, Automorphisms group
Stanislav Shkarin
J. Gen. Lie Theory Appl. 9 (S1), 1-34, (2015) DOI: 10.4172/1736-4337.S1-009 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Hypercyclic operators, Mixing semigroups, Backward weighted shifts, Bilateral weighted shifts
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