Open Access
2013 Spatial Competition with Entry Deterrence considering Horizontal Product Differentiations
Ai-nong Zhou
J. Appl. Math. 2013(SI08): 1-6 (2013). DOI: 10.1155/2013/426345


Spatial competition plays important roles in economics, which attracts extensive research. This paper addresses spatial competitions along with horizontal product differentiations and entry deterrence. By the dynamic game theory model about one firm and a potential entrant with different cost in a linear city, this paper finds that both the higher fixed setup cost and the higher transportation cost deter entrants. To efficiently deter the entrants, the establisher is inclined to locating at the middle point of the linear city.


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Ai-nong Zhou. "Spatial Competition with Entry Deterrence considering Horizontal Product Differentiations." J. Appl. Math. 2013 (SI08) 1 - 6, 2013.


Published: 2013
First available in Project Euclid: 14 March 2014

zbMATH: 06950667
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1155/2013/426345

Rights: Copyright © 2013 Hindawi

Vol.2013 • No. SI08 • 2013
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