This paper studies the second moment stability of a discrete-time jump linear system with real states and the system matrix switching in a Markovian fashion. A sufficient stability condition was proposed by Fang and Loparo (2002), which only needs to check the eigenvalues of a deterministic matrix and is much more computationally efficient than other equivalent conditions. The proof to the necessity of that condition, however, is a challenging problem. In the paper by Costa and Fragoso (2004), a proof was given by extending the state domain to the complex space. This paper proposes an alternative necessity proof, which does not need to extend the state domain. The proof in this paper demonstrates well the essential properties of the Markov jump systems and achieves the desired result in the real state space.
Qiang Ling. Haojiang Deng. "A New Proof to the Necessity of a Second Moment Stability Condition of Discrete-Time Markov Jump Linear Systems with Real States." J. Appl. Math. 2012 (SI08) 1 - 10, 2012. https://doi.org/10.1155/2012/642480