The purpose of this paper is to consider a new scheme by the hybrid extragradient-like method for finding a common element of the set of solutions of a generalized mixed equilibrium problem, the set of solutions of a variational inequality, and the set of fixed points of an infinitely family of strictly pseudocontractive mappings in Hilbert spaces. Then, we obtain a strong convergence theorem of the iterative sequence generated by the proposed iterative algorithm. Our results extend and improve the results of Issara Inchan (2010) and many others.
Yaqin Wang. Hongkun Xu. Xiaoli Fang. "A Hybrid Extragradient-Like Method for Variational Inequalities, Equilibrium Problems, and an Infinitely Family of Strictly Pseudocontractive Mappings." J. Appl. Math. 2012 (SI03) 1 - 15, 2012. https://doi.org/10.1155/2012/804642