In this paper, we establish the validity of the Chow group problem for complete regular local rings $R$ of dimension up to 4. For dimension $n$ ($>4$) over ramified regular local ring $R$, we have two results: (1) When $I$ is an ideal of height 3 such that $R/I$ is a Gorenstein ring, then $[I]=0$ in $A_{n-3}(R)$. (2) We reduce any prime ideal of height $i$ to an almost complete intersection ideal of height $i$ and in some special cases of almost complete intersection ideal of height $i$, we show that all Chow groups except the top one vanish. A necessary and sufficient condition for the vanishing of Chow groups is also derived using Eisenstein extension.
Sichang Lee. "On Chow groups of complete regular local rings." Illinois J. Math. 56 (4) 1085 - 1093, Winter 2012. https://doi.org/10.1215/ijm/1399395823