Let $D\subset\mathbb{C}^{n}$ be a bounded, strongly Levi-pseudoconvex domain with minimally smooth boundary. We prove $L^{p}(D)$-regularity for the Bergman projection $B$, and for the operator $|B|$ whose kernel is the absolute value of the Bergman kernel with $p$ in the range $(1,+\infty)$. As an application, we show that the space of holomorphic functions in a neighborhood of $\overline{D}$ is dense in $\vartheta L^{p}(D)$.
Loredana Lanzani. Elias M. Stein. "The Bergman projection in $L^{p}$ for domains with minimal smoothness." Illinois J. Math. 56 (1) 127 - 154, Spring 2012. https://doi.org/10.1215/ijm/1380287464