Open Access
March 2022 The ring of modular forms for the even unimodular lattice of signature (2,18)
Atsuhira Nagano, Kazushi Ueda
Author Affiliations +
Hiroshima Math. J. 52(1): 43-51 (March 2022). DOI: 10.32917/h2021012


We show that the ring of modular forms with characters for the even unimodular lattice of signature (2,18) is obtained from the invariant ring of $\mathrm {Sym}(\mathrm {Sym}^8(V)\oplus \mathrm {Sym}^{12}(V))$ with respect to the action of $\mathrm{SL}(V)$ by adding a Borcherds product of weight 132 with one relation of weight 264, where $V$ is a 2-dimensional $\mathbb C$-vector space. The proof is based on the study of the moduli space of elliptic K3 surfaces with a section.

Funding Statement

A. N. was partially supported by JSPS Kakenhi (18K13383) and MEXT LEADER. K. U. was partially supported by JSPS Kakenhi (16H03930).


Download Citation

Atsuhira Nagano. Kazushi Ueda. "The ring of modular forms for the even unimodular lattice of signature (2,18)." Hiroshima Math. J. 52 (1) 43 - 51, March 2022.


Received: 1 March 2021; Revised: 8 September 2021; Published: March 2022
First available in Project Euclid: 25 March 2022

MathSciNet: MR4399940
zbMATH: 1494.14033
Digital Object Identifier: 10.32917/h2021012

Primary: 14J15
Secondary: 11F55

Keywords: K3 surfaces , modular forms

Rights: Copyright © 2022 Hiroshima University, Mathematics Program

Vol.52 • No. 1 • March 2022
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