In this paper we study the distribution in the arithmetic progressions (modulo a product of two primes) of reducible quadratic polynomials $(an+b)(cn+d)$ in short intervals, i.e. when $n \in [x, x + H], H = o(x)$; here $H = x^{\vartheta}$, with $\vartheta \in ]3/4, 1[$. Using Large Sieve techniques we get results beyond the classical level $\vartheta$, reaching $3\vartheta - 3/2$; these also improve the results of Salerno and Vitolo [6] in “large” intervals $(\vartheta = 1)$ obtaining level $3/2$ instead of $4/3$.
Dedicated to Włodzimierz Staś on the occasion of his 75th birthday
G. Coppola. S. Salerno. "On the distribution in the arithmetic progressions of reducible quadratic polynomials in short intervals." Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. 28 75 - 81, 2000. https://doi.org/10.7169/facm/1538186684