Let $A \supseteq B$ be cancellative abelian semigroups, and let $R$ be an integral domain. We show that the semigroup ring $R[B]$ can be decomposed, as an $R[A]$-module, into a direct sum of $R[A]$-submodules of the quotient ring of $R[A]$. In the case of a finite extension of positive affine semigroup rings, we obtain an algorithm computing the decomposition. When $R[A]$ is a polynomial ring over a field, we explain how to compute many ring-theoretic properties of $R[B]$ in terms of this decomposition. In particular, we obtain a fast algorithm to compute the Castelnuovo–Mumford regularity of homogeneous semigroup rings. As an application we confirm the Eisenbud–Goto conjecture in a range of new cases. Our algorithms are implemented in the MACAULAY2 package MONOMIAL ALGEBRAS.
Janko Böhm. David Eisenbud. Max J. Nitsche. "Decomposition of Semigroup Algebras." Experiment. Math. 21 (4) 385 - 394, 2012.