Front Matter
Experiment. Math. 15 (3), (2006) Open Access
No abstract available
Steven J. Miller
Experiment. Math. 15 (3), 257-280, (2006) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Elliptic curves, Low Lying Zeros, n-Level Statistics, random-matrix theory, 11M26, 11G05, 11G40, 11M26
David H. Bailey, Jonathan M. Borwein, David M. Bradley
Experiment. Math. 15 (3), 281-290, (2006) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Riemann zeta function, central binomial coefficients, series acceleration, hypergeometric series, 11Y60, 11M06
Daryl Cooper, Darren Long, Morwen Thistlethwaite
Experiment. Math. 15 (3), 291-306, (2006) Open Access
KEYWORDS: hyperbolic 3-manifolds, deformation of geometric structure, algorithms, 57M50, 57-04
F. H. Stillinger, S. Torquato
Experiment. Math. 15 (3), 307-332, (2006) Open Access
KEYWORDS: sphere packings, high Euclidean dimensions, density bounds, 52C17
Pedro Antunes, Pedro Freitas
Experiment. Math. 15 (3), 333-342, (2006) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Dirichlet eigenvalues, Pólya--Szegő conjectures, 35P15, 58G25
P. H. Lundow, K. Markström
Experiment. Math. 15 (3), 343-354, (2006) Open Access
KEYWORDS: chromatic polynomial, Log-concavity, subgraphs, 05C15
Patricia L. Quattrini
Experiment. Math. 15 (3), 355-366, (2006) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Elliptic curves, Tate-Shafarevich groups, modular forms, 11F33, 11Y70
Markus Banagl
Experiment. Math. 15 (3), 367-381, (2006) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Statistical topology, 3-manifolds, Random walks, electrical resistance, 60B99, 60G50, 57N10
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