Open Access
2024 Robust propensity score weighting estimation under missing at random
Hengfang Wang, Jae Kwang Kim, Jeongseop Han, Youngjo Lee
Author Affiliations +
Electron. J. Statist. 18(2): 2687-2720 (2024). DOI: 10.1214/24-EJS2263


Missing data is frequently encountered in many areas of statistics. One popular approach to address this issue is through the use of propensity score weighting. However, correctly specifying the statistical model can be a daunting task. Doubly robust estimation is attractive, as the consistency of the estimator is guaranteed when either the outcome regression model or the propensity score model is correctly specified. In this paper, we first employ information projection to develop an efficient and doubly robust estimator via indirect model calibration. The resulting propensity score estimator can be equivalently expressed as a doubly robust regression imputation estimator by imposing the internal bias calibration condition in estimating the regression parameters. In addition, using the γ-divergence measure, we generalize the information projection to allow for outlier-robust propensity score estimation. The study includes the presentation of certain asymptotic properties and findings from a simulation study, which demonstrate that the proposed method enables robust inference, not only in cases of various model assumptions being violated but also in the presence of outliers. A real-life application is also presented using data from the Conservation Effects Assessment Project.

Funding Statement

Hengfang Wang was partially supported by the Open Research Fund of Key Laboratory of Analytical Mathematics and Applications (Fujian Normal University), Ministry of Education, P. R. China (JAM2403) and Middle-aged and Young Teachers’ Training Program (SDPY2023024).
Jae Kwang Kim’s research was partially supported by a grant from US National Science Foundation (2242820), a grant from the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa, and from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Resources Inventory, Cooperative Agreement NR203A750023C006, Great Rivers CESU 68-3A75-18-504.


The authors would like to thank the Editor, Associate Editor, and two anonymous referees for their constructive comments. We also thank Dr. Emily Berg for sharing the CEAP data for analysis.


Download Citation

Hengfang Wang. Jae Kwang Kim. Jeongseop Han. Youngjo Lee. "Robust propensity score weighting estimation under missing at random." Electron. J. Statist. 18 (2) 2687 - 2720, 2024.


Received: 1 September 2023; Published: 2024
First available in Project Euclid: 3 July 2024

arXiv: 2306.15173
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/24-EJS2263

Primary: 62D10 , 62F35

Keywords: covariate balancing , information projection , missing data , γ-power divergence

Vol.18 • No. 2 • 2024
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