Open Access
2023 Statistical inference via conditional Bayesian posteriors in high-dimensional linear regression
Teng Wu, Naveen N. Narisetty, Yun Yang
Author Affiliations +
Electron. J. Statist. 17(1): 769-797 (2023). DOI: 10.1214/23-EJS2113


We propose a new method under the Bayesian framework to perform valid inference for low dimensional parameters in high dimensional linear models under sparsity constraints. Our approach is to use surrogate Bayesian posteriors based on partial regression models to remove the effect of high dimensional nuisance variables. We name the final distribution we used to conduct inference “conditional Bayesian posterior” as it is a surrogate posterior constructed conditional on quasi posterior distributions of other parameters and does not admit a fully Bayesian interpretation. Unlike existing Bayesian regularization methods, our method can be used to quantify the estimation uncertainty for arbitrarily small signals and therefore does not require variable selection consistency to guarantee its validity. Theoretically, we show that the resulting Bayesian credible intervals achieve desired coverage probabilities in the frequentist sense. Methodologically, our proposed Bayesian framework can easily incorporate popular Bayesian regularization procedures such as those based on spike and slab priors and horseshoe priors to facilitate high accuracy estimation and inference. Numerically, our proposed method rectifies the uncertainty underestimation of Bayesian shrinkage approaches and has a comparable empirical performance with state-of-the-art frequentist methods based on extensive simulation studies and a real data analysis.

Funding Statement

Naveen N. Narisetty gratefully acknowledges partial funding support from NSF grants DMS-1811768 and CAREER-1943500. Y. Yang’s research was supported in part by NSF DMS-2210717.


Download Citation

Teng Wu. Naveen N. Narisetty. Yun Yang. "Statistical inference via conditional Bayesian posteriors in high-dimensional linear regression." Electron. J. Statist. 17 (1) 769 - 797, 2023.


Received: 1 June 2021; Published: 2023
First available in Project Euclid: 22 February 2023

MathSciNet: MR4551566
zbMATH: 07662461
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/23-EJS2113

Primary: 62J05

Keywords: Bayesian inference , Bayesian regularization , high dimensional linear model , Sparsity , uncertainty quantification

Vol.17 • No. 1 • 2023
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