We consider the deconvolution problem for densities supported on a -dimensional sphere with unknown center and unknown radius, in the situation where the distribution of the noise is unknown and without any other observations. We propose estimators of the radius, of the center, and of the density of the signal on the sphere that are proved consistent without further information. The estimator of the radius is proved to have almost parametric convergence rate for any dimension d. When , the estimator of the density is proved to achieve the same rate of convergence over Sobolev regularity classes of densities as when the noise distribution is known.
Funding Statement
This work is supported by a public grant overseen by the French National Research Agency (ANR) through the program UDOPIA, project funded by the ANR-20-THIA-0013-01 and DATAIA convergence institute (ANR-17-CONV-0003). Jérémie Capitao-Miniconi would also like to thank the IA Chair BisCottE (ANR-19-CHIA-0021-01), Elisabeth Gassiat would like to thank Institut Universitaire de France for supporting this project.
Jérémie Capitao-Miniconi. Elisabeth Gassiat. "Deconvolution of spherical data corrupted with unknown noise." Electron. J. Statist. 17 (1) 607 - 649, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1214/23-EJS2106