Harmonic activation and transport (HAT) is a stochastic process that rearranges finite subsets of , one element at a time. Given a finite set with at least two elements, HAT removes x from U according to the harmonic measure of x in U, and then adds y according to the probability that simple random walk from x, conditioned to hit the remaining set, steps from y when it first does so. In particular, HAT conserves the number of elements in U.
We study the classification of HAT as recurrent or transient, as the dimension d and number of elements n in the initial set vary. In [CGH21], it was proved that the stationary distribution of HAT (on sets viewed up to translation) exists when , for every number of elements . We prove that HAT exhibits a phase transition in both d and n, in the sense that HAT is transient when and .
Remarkably, transience occurs in only one “way”: The set splits into clusters of two or three elements—but no other number—which then grow steadily, indefinitely separated. We call these clusters dimers and trimers. Underlying this characterization of transience is the fact that, from any set, HAT reaches a set consisting exclusively of dimers and trimers, in a number of steps and with at least a probability which depend on d and n only.
I thank Shirshendu Ganguly and Alan Hammond for helpful discussions. In particular, I am grateful to Shirshendu Ganguly for suggesting Theorem 1.9 to me and to Alan Hammond for sharing with me his prediction that dimers and trimers would drive the transience of HAT in higher dimensions. I thank the two anonymous referees for their careful reading of this paper and valuable feedback.
Jacob Calvert. "Existence of a phase transition in harmonic activation and transport." Electron. J. Probab. 28 1 - 51, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1214/23-EJP1004