Open Access
2023 Contact process on a dynamical long range percolation
Marco Seiler, Anja Sturm
Author Affiliations +
Electron. J. Probab. 28: 1-36 (2023). DOI: 10.1214/23-EJP1042


In this paper we introduce a contact process on a dynamical long range percolation (CPDLP) defined on a complete graph (V,E). A dynamical long range percolation is a Feller process defined on the edge set E, which assigns to each edge the state of being open or closed independently. The state of an edge e is updated at rate ve and is open after the update with probability pe and closed otherwise. The contact process is then defined on top of this evolving random environment using only open edges for infection while recovery is independent of the background. First, we conclude that an upper invariant law exists and that the phase transitions of survival and non-triviality of the upper invariant coincide. We then formulate a comparison with a contact process with a specific infection kernel which acts as a lower bound. Thus, we obtain an upper bound for the critical infection rate. We also show that if the probability that an edge is open is low for all edges then the CPDLP enters an immunization phase, i.e. it will not survive regardless of the value of the infection rate. Furthermore, we show that on V= and under suitable conditions on the rates of the dynamical long range percolation the CPDLP will almost surely die out if the update speed converges to zero for any given infection rate λ.

Funding Statement

MS was partially supported from the LOEWE programme of the state of Hessen (CMMS) in the course of this project.


We thank Amitai Linker for very helpful discussions at the start of this project, and also Moritz Wemheuer for very useful comments and suggestions. Furthermore, we would like to thank the anonymous referees for carefully reading the manuscript and many suggestions for improvement.


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Marco Seiler. Anja Sturm. "Contact process on a dynamical long range percolation." Electron. J. Probab. 28 1 - 36, 2023.


Received: 17 October 2022; Accepted: 13 October 2023; Published: 2023
First available in Project Euclid: 23 November 2023

arXiv: 2210.08907
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/23-EJP1042

Primary: 60K35
Secondary: 05C80 , 82C22

Keywords: contact process , dynamical graphs , evolving random environment , interacting particle systems , Long range percolation , phase transition

Vol.28 • 2023
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