We derive the limiting distribution of the barycenter $b_n$ of an i.i.d. sample of $n$ random points on a planar cone with angular spread larger than $2\pi$. There are three mutually exclusive possibilities: (i) (fully sticky case) after a finite random time the barycenter is almost surely at the origin; (ii) (partly sticky case) the limiting distribution of $\sqrt{n} b_n$ comprises a point mass at the origin, an open sector of a Gaussian, and the projection of a Gaussian to the sector's bounding rays; or (iii) (nonsticky case) the barycenter stays away from the origin and the renormalized fluctuations have a fully supported limit distribution-usually Gaussian but not always. We conclude with an alternative, topological definition of stickiness that generalizes readily to measures on general metric spaces.
Stephan Huckemann. Jonathan Mattingly. Ezra Miller. James Nolen. "Sticky central limit theorems at isolated hyperbolic planar singularities." Electron. J. Probab. 20 1 - 34, 2015. https://doi.org/10.1214/EJP.v20-3887