The critical points of the length function on the free loop space of a compact Riemannian manifold are the closed geodesics on . The length function gives a filtration of the homology of , and we show that the Chas-Sullivan product is compatible with this filtration. We obtain a very simple expression for the associated graded homology ring when all geodesics are closed, or when all geodesics are nondegenerate. We also interpret Sullivan's coproduct (see [Su1], [Su2])) on as a product in cohomology (where is the constant loop). We show that is also compatible with the length filtration, and we obtain a similar expression for the ring The nonvanishing of products and is shown to be determined by the rate at which the Morse index grows when a geodesic is iterated. We determine the full ring structure for spheres ,
Mark Goresky. Nancy Hingston. "Loop products and closed geodesics." Duke Math. J. 150 (1) 117 - 209, 1 October 2009. https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-2009-049