Open Access
2012 Atomic Decomposition of Weighted Weak Hardy Spaces on Spaces of Homogeneous Type
X. Wu, W. Jiang
Commun. Math. Anal. 13(2): 98-107 (2012).


In this paper, we establish an atomic decomposition characterization of weighted weak Hardy spaces $H^{p,\infty}_\omega$ on spaces of homogeneous type. As an application, we prove a interpolation theorem in $H^{p,\infty}_\omega$.


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X. Wu. W. Jiang. "Atomic Decomposition of Weighted Weak Hardy Spaces on Spaces of Homogeneous Type." Commun. Math. Anal. 13 (2) 98 - 107, 2012.


Published: 2012
First available in Project Euclid: 9 October 2012

zbMATH: 1261.42039
MathSciNet: MR2998357

Primary: 42B30 , 42B35

Keywords: atomic decomposition , interpolation theorem , maximal function characterization , space of homogeneous type , weighted weak Hardy spaces

Rights: Copyright © 2012 Mathematical Research Publishers

Vol.13 • No. 2 • 2012
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