Suppose that $X$ is a subspace of a Tychonoff space $Y$. Then the embedding mapping $e_{X, Y}: X\rightarrow Y$ can be extended to a continuous monomorphism $\hat{e}_{X, Y}: AP(X)\rightarrow AP(Y)$, where $AP(X)$ and $AP(Y)$ are the free Abelian paratopological groups over $X$ and $Y$, respectively. In this paper, we mainly discuss when $\hat{e}_{X, Y}$ is a topological monomorphism, that is, when $\hat{e}_{X, Y}$ is a topological embedding of $AP(X)$ to $AP(Y)$.
Fucai Lin. "Topological monomorphisms between free paratopological groups." Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 19 (3) 507 - 521, september 2012. https://doi.org/10.36045/bbms/1347642379