Let $S$ be a set, $R$ the real line, and $M$ a real function on $R \times S$. Assume there exists a real function, $f$, on $S$ such that $(x - f(s))M(x, s) \geq 0$ for all $x$ and $s$. Initially neither $M$ nor $f$ are known. The goal is to estimate $f$. At time $n, s_n$ (a value in $S$) is observed, $x_n$ (a real number) is chosen, and an unbiased estimator of $M(x_n, s_n)$ is observed. This problem has applications, for example, to process control. In a previous paper the author proposed estimation of $f$ by a generalization of the Robbins-Monro procedure. Here that procedure is generalized and asymptotic distributions are studied.
David Ruppert. "Stochastic Approximation of an Implicity Defined Function." Ann. Statist. 9 (3) 555 - 566, May, 1981. https://doi.org/10.1214/aos/1176345459