This paper provides explicit solutions to the problem of estimating the arrival rate $\lambda$ of a Poisson process using a Bayes sequential approach. The loss associated with estimating $\lambda$ by $d$ is assumed to be of the form $(\lambda - d)^2\lambda^{-p}$ and the cost of observation includes both a time cost and an event cost. A discrete time approach is taken in which decisions are made at the end of time intervals having length $t$. Limits of the procedures as $t$ approaches zero are discussed and related to the continuous time Bayes sequential procedure.
Bradley Novic. "Bayes Sequential Estimation of a Poisson Rate: A Discrete Time Approach." Ann. Statist. 8 (4) 840 - 844, July, 1980. https://doi.org/10.1214/aos/1176345076