Ann. Statist. 50 (5), (October 2022)
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Ann. Statist. 50 (5), (October 2022)
No abstract available
Helene C. Rytgaard, Thomas A. Gerds, Mark J. van der Laan
Ann. Statist. 50 (5), 2469-2491, (October 2022) DOI: 10.1214/21-AOS2114
KEYWORDS: Targeted minimum loss-based estimation (TMLE), time-varying confounding, continuous-time interventions, Semiparametric model, efficient estimation, Causal inference, 62G05
Miles E. Lopes
Ann. Statist. 50 (5), 2492-2513, (October 2022) DOI: 10.1214/22-AOS2184
KEYWORDS: central limit theorem, bootstrap, Berry–Esseen theorem, high dimensions, 60F05, 62E17
Rina Foygel Barber, Lucas Janson
Ann. Statist. 50 (5), 2514-2544, (October 2022) DOI: 10.1214/22-AOS2187 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Goodness-of-fit test, approximate sufficiency, co-sufficiency, conditional randomization test, model-X, conditional independence testing, high-dimensional inference, 62F03, 62B05
Mayya Zhilova
Ann. Statist. 50 (5), 2545-2561, (October 2022) DOI: 10.1214/22-AOS2192
KEYWORDS: Edgeworth series, dependence on dimension, higher-order accuracy, Multivariate Berry–Esseen inequality, chi-square approximation, finite sample inference, anticoncentration inequality, bootstrap, elliptic confidence sets, linear contrasts, bootstrap score test, model misspecification, 62E17, 62F40, 62F25
Victor Chernozhuokov, Denis Chetverikov, Kengo Kato, Yuta Koike
Ann. Statist. 50 (5), 2562-2586, (October 2022) DOI: 10.1214/22-AOS2193
KEYWORDS: bootstrap, central limit theorem, iterative randomized Lindeberg method, Stein kernel, 60F05, 62E17
Steve Yadlowsky, Hongseok Namkoong, Sanjay Basu, John Duchi, Lu Tian
Ann. Statist. 50 (5), 2587-2615, (October 2022) DOI: 10.1214/22-AOS2195
KEYWORDS: Causal estimation, semiparametric inference, sensitivity analysis, omitted variable, 62H12, 62H15, 62F03, 62F30
Alexander Dürre, Davy Paindaveine
Ann. Statist. 50 (5), 2616-2640, (October 2022) DOI: 10.1214/22-AOS2199
KEYWORDS: Affine equivariance/affine invariance, contiguous alternatives, Lp loss functions, multivariate location functionals, Oja median, Random simplices, spatial median, 62G05, 62G20, 62H15, 60D05
Raffaele Argiento, Maria De Iorio
Ann. Statist. 50 (5), 2641-2663, (October 2022) DOI: 10.1214/22-AOS2201
KEYWORDS: Bayesian mixture models, Bayesian clustering, Dirichlet process, mixture of finite mixtures, Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, 62F15, 60G57, 62G07, 92C20
Shuxiao Chen, Sifan Liu, Zongming Ma
Ann. Statist. 50 (5), 2664-2693, (October 2022) DOI: 10.1214/22-AOS2202
KEYWORDS: Integrative data analysis, Minimax rate, Rényi divergence, spectral clustering, Stochastic block model, 62H30, 91D30, 62C20, 90B15
Matt Sourisseau, Hau-Tieng Wu, Zhou Zhou
Ann. Statist. 50 (5), 2694-2712, (October 2022) DOI: 10.1214/22-AOS2203
KEYWORDS: Synchrosqueezing transform, time series analysis, kernel regression, complex Gaussian random vector, CR calculation, 60K35
Bharath K. Sriperumbudur, Nicholas Sterge
Ann. Statist. 50 (5), 2713-2736, (October 2022) DOI: 10.1214/22-AOS2204
KEYWORDS: Principal Component Analysis, kernel PCA, random feature approximation, ‎reproducing kernel Hilbert ‎space, Covariance operator, Bernstein’s inequality, 62H25, 62G05
Max Fathi, Larry Goldstein, Gesine Reinert, Adrien Saumard
Ann. Statist. 50 (5), 2737-2766, (October 2022) DOI: 10.1214/22-AOS2208
KEYWORDS: shrinkage estimation, Stein kernel, zero bias, unbiased risk estimation, 62F12, 62F35
Sam Efromovich
Ann. Statist. 50 (5), 2767-2792, (October 2022) DOI: 10.1214/22-AOS2209
KEYWORDS: Adaptation, MISE, sharp minimax, Survival analysis, 62G05, 62J05, 62F35
Yijian Huang, Martin G. Sanda
Ann. Statist. 50 (5), 2793-2815, (October 2022) DOI: 10.1214/22-AOS2210
KEYWORDS: Bahadur representation, cube root asymptotics, diagnostic test, Sensitivity, specificity, 62H30, 62E20, 90C59
Andrea Montanari, Yiqiao Zhong
Ann. Statist. 50 (5), 2816-2847, (October 2022) DOI: 10.1214/22-AOS2211
KEYWORDS: neural tangent kernel, memorization, overfitting, overparametrization, kernel ridge regression, 62J07, 62J05
Tianyu Zhang, Noah Simon
Ann. Statist. 50 (5), 2848-2871, (October 2022) DOI: 10.1214/22-AOS2212
KEYWORDS: Stochastic gradient descent, Nonparametric regression, online learning, 62G08
Matteo Giordano, Kolyan Ray
Ann. Statist. 50 (5), 2872-2898, (October 2022) DOI: 10.1214/22-AOS2213
KEYWORDS: Bayesian nonparametrics, multidimensional diffusions, reversibility, Gaussian processes, Laplace prior, 62G20, 62F15, 60J60
Xuming He, Xiaoou Pan, Kean Ming Tan, Wen-Xin Zhou
Ann. Statist. 50 (5), 2899-2924, (October 2022) DOI: 10.1214/22-AOS2214
KEYWORDS: censored quantile regression, smoothing, high-dimensional survival data, nonasymptotic theory, weighted bootstrap, 62J05, 62J07, 62F40
Guanzhou Chen, Boxin Tang
Ann. Statist. 50 (5), 2925-2949, (October 2022) DOI: 10.1214/22-AOS2215
KEYWORDS: computer experiment, digital net, mappable nearly orthogonal array, strong orthogonal array, supersaturated design, 62K99, 62K15
Fengnan Gao, Tengyao Wang
Ann. Statist. 50 (5), 2950-2972, (October 2022) DOI: 10.1214/22-AOS2216
KEYWORDS: Two-sample hypotheses testing, High-dimensional data, linear model, Sparsity, minimax detection, 62H15, 62J05
Jeong Min Jeon, Byeong U. Park, Ingrid Van Keilegom
Ann. Statist. 50 (5), 2973-3008, (October 2022) DOI: 10.1214/22-AOS2218 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Deconvolution, errors-in-variables, Lie groups, manifold-valued data, Measurement errors, 62G08, 62G20
Steffen Lauritzen, Piotr Zwiernik
Ann. Statist. 50 (5), 3009-3038, (October 2022) DOI: 10.1214/22-AOS2219
KEYWORDS: association, Convex optimization, dual likelihood, exponential families, Gaussian distribution, graphical lasso, Kullback–Leibler divergence, mixed parametrization, positive correlations, structure learning, 62H05, 62H12, 62H22
Carlos Velasco
Ann. Statist. 50 (5), 3039-3063, (October 2022) DOI: 10.1214/22-AOS2220
KEYWORDS: Characteristic function, martingale difference, generalized method of moments, generalized spectral density, noncausal processes, noninvertible processes, 62M10, 62M15
Michael P. Leung
Ann. Statist. 50 (5), 3064-3087, (October 2022) DOI: 10.1214/22-AOS2224
KEYWORDS: Causal inference, interference, Experimental design, spatial dependence, 62G20, 62K05, 62M30
Correction note
Yi Zhang, Xiaofeng Shao, Weibiao Wu
Ann. Statist. 50 (5), 3088-3089, (October 2022) DOI: 10.1214/22-AOS2206
KEYWORDS: periodogram, spectral analysis, 62M15, 62M10, 62G05
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