In this paper we consider exponential families of distributions and obtain under certain conditions a uniform large deviation result about the tail probability $P_\partial(\phi_\partial(\bar{X}_n) > \varepsilon), \varepsilon > 0$, where $\partial$ is the natural parameter and $\phi_\partial(\bar{X}_n)$ is the $\log$ likelihood ratio statistic for testing the null hypothesis $\{\partial\}$. The technique involves approximating certain convex compact sets in $R^k$ by polytopes, then estimating the probability contents of associated closed halfspaces, and counting the number of these half-spaces. Some examples are given, among them the multivariate normal distribution with unknown mean vector and covariance matrix.
Stavros Kourouklis. "A Large Deviation Result for the Likelihood Ratio Statistic in Exponential Families." Ann. Statist. 12 (4) 1510 - 1521, December, 1984. https://doi.org/10.1214/aos/1176346807