Open Access
July 2023 Secular coefficients and the holomorphic multiplicative chaos
Joseph Najnudel, Elliot Paquette, Nick Simm
Author Affiliations +
Ann. Probab. 51(4): 1193-1248 (July 2023). DOI: 10.1214/22-AOP1616


We study the secular coefficients of N×N random unitary matrices UN drawn from the Circular β-Ensemble which are defined as the coefficients of {zn} in the characteristic polynomial det(1zUN). When β>4, we obtain a new class of limiting distributions that arise when both n and N tend to infinity simultaneously. We solve an open problem of Diaconis and Gamburd (Electron. J. Combin. 11 (2004/06) 2) by showing that, for β=2, the middle coefficient of degree n=N2 tends to zero as N. We show how the theory of Gaussian multiplicative chaos (GMC) plays a prominent role in these problems and in the explicit description of the obtained limiting distributions. We extend the remarkable magic square formula of (Electron. J. Combin. 11 (2004/06) 2) for the moments of secular coefficients to all β>0 and analyse the asymptotic behaviour of the moments. We obtain estimates on the order of magnitude of the secular coefficients for all β>0, and we prove these estimates are sharp when β2 and N is sufficiently large with respect to n. These insights motivated us to introduce a new stochastic object associated with the secular coefficients, which we call Holomorphic Multiplicative Chaos (HMC). Viewing the HMC as a random distribution, we prove a sharp result about its regularity in an appropriate Sobolev space. Our proofs expose and exploit several novel connections with other areas, including random permutations, Tauberian theorems and combinatorics.


All three authors would like to thank the hospitality of the International Institute of Physics in Natal, Brazil, and the program Random geometries and multifractality in condensed matter and statistical mechanics from 2019 where this work began. All authors would like to thank Yacine Barhoumi-Andréani for bringing the mathematics around secular coefficients to their attention and for helpful conversations besides. J.N. would like to thank Pierre Le Doussal for helpful discussions on quantum interpretation of the HMC. We are grateful to the anonymous referees for their careful reading of an earlier draft of this paper. E. P. gratefully acknowledges support from an NSERC Discovery grant. N. S. gratefully acknowledges support of the Royal Society University Research Fellowship “Random matrix theory and log-correlated Gaussian fields,” reference URF\R1\180707.


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Joseph Najnudel. Elliot Paquette. Nick Simm. "Secular coefficients and the holomorphic multiplicative chaos." Ann. Probab. 51 (4) 1193 - 1248, July 2023.


Received: 1 August 2021; Revised: 1 July 2022; Published: July 2023
First available in Project Euclid: 4 June 2023

MathSciNet: MR4597318
zbMATH: 1518.60011
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/22-AOP1616

Primary: 60B20 , 60F05
Secondary: 60F05

Keywords: characteristic polynomial , circular beta ensemble , circular unitary ensemble , Ewens sampling formula , Gaussian multiplicative chaos , magic squares , martingale central limit theorem , Random matrix , secular coefficient

Rights: This research was funded, in whole or in part, by [University of Bristol]. A CC BY 4.0 license is applied to this article arising from this submission, in accordance with the grant's open access conditions.

Vol.51 • No. 4 • July 2023
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