May 2023 On Frobenius exact symmetric tensor categories
Kevin Coulembier, Pavel Etingof, Victor Ostrik, Alexander Kleshchev
Author Affiliations +
Ann. of Math. (2) 197(3): 1235-1279 (May 2023). DOI: 10.4007/annals.2023.197.3.5


A fundamental theorem of P. Deligne (2002) states that a pre-Tannakian category over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero admits a fiber functor to the category of supervector spaces (i.e., is the representation category of an affine proalgebraic supergroup) if and only if it has moderate growth (i.e., the lengths of tensor powers of an object grow at most exponentially). In this paper we prove a characteristic p version of this theorem. Namely, we show that a pre-Tannakian category over an algebraically closed field of characteristic p>0 admits a fiber functor into the Verlinde category Verp (i.e., is the representation category of an affine group scheme in Verp) if and only if it has moderate growth and is Frobenius exact. This implies that Frobenius exact pre-Tannakian categories of moderate growth admit a well behaved notion of Frobenius-Perron dimension.

It follows that any semisimple pre-Tannakian category of moderategrowth has a fiber functor to Verp (so in particular Deligne's theorem holds on the nose for semisimple pre-Tannakian categories in characteristics 2,3). This settles a conjecture of the third author from 2015.

In particular, this result applies to semisimplifications of categories of modular representations of finite groups (or, more generally, affine group schemes), which gives new applications to classical modular representation theory. For example, it allows us to characterize, for a modular representation , the possible growth rates of the number of indecomposable summands in of dimension prime to .


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Kevin Coulembier. Pavel Etingof. Victor Ostrik. Alexander Kleshchev. "On Frobenius exact symmetric tensor categories." Ann. of Math. (2) 197 (3) 1235 - 1279, May 2023.


Published: May 2023
First available in Project Euclid: 23 March 2023

Digital Object Identifier: 10.4007/annals.2023.197.3.5

Primary: 14L15 , 16T05 , 18M05 , 20C20

Keywords: Frobenius functor , modular representations , tensor categories , Verlinde category

Rights: Copyright © 2023 Department of Mathematics, Princeton University


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Vol.197 • No. 3 • May 2023
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