Open Access
December, 1963 Efficient Utilization of Non-Numerical Information in Quantitative Analysis General Theory and the Case of Simple Order
Robert P. Abelson, John W. Tukey
Ann. Math. Statist. 34(4): 1347-1369 (December, 1963). DOI: 10.1214/aoms/1177703869


Suppose a single contrast y=cjuj, where cj=0, is to be tested as a basis for detecting differences among unknown parameters μj, where yj=μj+ϵj, and the ϵj are independent and normally distributed with mean zero and variance σ2. Write μj=α+βxj. Then the problem is to detect β0. If xj=0, and xj2=1, the noncentrality of y, referred to its standard deviation, is (β/σ) times the formal correlation coefficient r between the cj and the xj. If the xj are known, the cj can be chosen to make the correlation unity. If the xj are wholly unknown, no single contrast can guarantee power in detecting β0. Intermediate situations, where we know something but not everything about the xj, occur frequently. If our knowledge can be placed in the form of linear inequalities restricting the μj (equivalently the xj) the problem of choosing a contrast {cj} which will give relatively good power against the unknown (latent) configuration {xj} is a relatively manageable one. The problem is to obtain a large value of r2 between {cj} which is at our choice, and {xj}, which is only partially known. A conservative approach is to try to select the {cj} so that the minimum value of r2 compatible with the restrictions on {xj} is maximized, or nearly so. The maximization of minimum r2 when response patterns are constrained by linear homogeneous inequalities leads to the mathematical problem of finding the geometric direction whose maximum angle with a given set of directions is least. The solution to this problem is characterized and proven unique (Sections 8, 17-20). No useful algorithm which is absolutely certain to reach the solution in a few steps appears to exist. However, procedures are discussed (Sections 10 and 11) which reach a solution relatively rapidly in the instances we have considered. The procedures are illustrated on selected examples (Sections 15-16). The general theory is applied (Sections 13-14) to the latent configuration defined by , which we call simple rank order. A formula is found for the maximum contrast which maximizes minimum , and its coefficients are given for . The "linear-2-4" contrast, constructed from the usual linear contrast by quadrupling and , and doubling and , is a reasonable approximation to the maximum contrast for small or medium , and its minimum remains above 90{\tt\%} of the maximum possible for (Table 2). Knowing only simple rank order for the , good practice seems to indicate the use of "maximum" or "linear-2-4" contrasts in careful work. If more information or insight about the is available, some other contrast may be preferable.


Download Citation

Robert P. Abelson. John W. Tukey. "Efficient Utilization of Non-Numerical Information in Quantitative Analysis General Theory and the Case of Simple Order." Ann. Math. Statist. 34 (4) 1347 - 1369, December, 1963.


Published: December, 1963
First available in Project Euclid: 27 April 2007

zbMATH: 0121.13907
MathSciNet: MR156411
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/aoms/1177703869

Rights: Copyright © 1963 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.34 • No. 4 • December, 1963
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