We consider transient nearest-neighbor random walks in random environment on $\mathbb{Z}$. For a set of environments whose probability is converging to 1 as time goes to infinity, we describe the fluctuations of the hitting time of a level $n$, around its mean, in terms of an explicit function of the environment. Moreover, their limiting law is described using a Poisson point process whose intensity is computed. This result can be considered as the quenched analog of the classical result of Kesten, Kozlov and Spitzer [Compositio Math. 30 (1975) 145–168].
Nathanaël Enriquez. Christophe Sabot. Laurent Tournier. Olivier Zindy. "Quenched limits for the fluctuations of transient random walks in random environment on $\mathbb{Z}$." Ann. Appl. Probab. 23 (3) 1148 - 1187, June 2013. https://doi.org/10.1214/12-AAP867