Consider a nearest neighbor random walk on the two-dimensional integer lattice, where each vertex is initially labeled either ‘H’ or ‘V’, uniformly and independently. At each discrete time step, the walker resamples the label at its current location (changing ‘H’ to ‘V’ and ‘V’ to ‘H’ with probability q). Then, it takes a mean zero horizontal step if the new label is ‘H’, and a mean zero vertical step if the new label is ‘V’. This model is a randomized version of the deterministic rotor walk, for which its recurrence (i.e., visiting every vertex infinitely often with probability 1) in two dimensions is still an open problem. We answer the analogous question for the horizontal–vertical walk, by showing that the horizontal–vertical walk is recurrent for .
Considérons une marche aléatoire aux plus proches voisins sur le réseau entier bidimensionnel, où chaque sommet est initialement étiqueté soit “H” soit “V”, uniformément et indépendamment. À chaque pas de temps discret, le marcheur ré-échantillonne l’étiquette à son emplacement actuel (en changeant “H” en “V” et “V” en “H” avec la probabilité q). Ensuite, il fait un pas horizontal de moyenne nulle si la nouvelle étiquette est “H”, et un pas vertical de moyenne nulle si la nouvelle étiquette est “V”. Ce modèle est une version randomisée de la marche déterministe du rotor, pour laquelle sa récurrence (c’est-à-dire visiter chaque sommet infiniment souvent avec une probabilité de 1) en deux dimensions est encore un problème ouvert. Nous répondons à la question analogue pour la marche horizontale-verticale, en montrant que la marche horizontale-verticale est récurrente pour .
Funding Statement
The author was partially supported by NSF Grant DMS-1455272 and by the Simons Foundation.
The author would like to thank Lionel Levine and Yuval Peres for their advising throughout the whole project, Lila Greco for performing the simulations for Figure 1, and Peter Li for inspiring discussions. Part of this work was done when the author was visiting the Theory Group at Microsoft Research, Redmond, and when the author was a graduate student at Cornell University. The author would also like to thank the anonymous referee and the editor for valuable comments and references that greatly improves the paper. In particular, the proof of Lemma 4.2 is greatly simplified thanks to the referee’s comment.
Swee Hong Chan. "Recurrence of horizontal–vertical walks." Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist. 59 (2) 578 - 605, May 2023. https://doi.org/10.1214/22-AIHP1277